Because there are only several Dandie Dinmont Terrier puppies in each litter, Dandie breeding is not a lucrative source of income for backyard breeders and puppymills. As a result, very few Dandies end up in need of rescue resources . The best way to help prevent puppymills and back yard breeders from indiscriminately producing Dandies is to never buy a dog from them. Please be careful to purchase a Dandie only from a reputable breeder.
Looking for a Dandie? The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America is the place to find a reputable Dandie breeder. Click on Dandie referral and our Referral Chairperson will assist you.
Looking for a Dandie? The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America is the place to find a reputable Dandie breeder. Click on Dandie referral and our Referral Chairperson will assist you.
6 year old male Dandie available in Grand Rapids Michigan. He is neutered, vaccinated, chipped and vetted. He is good with other dogs. His former mommy became ill and could no longer care for him so he would prefer a home without children. That is what he is used to.
Please contact:
Jennifer Hecker
(616) 299-5552
Please contact:
Jennifer Hecker
(616) 299-5552

Courtesy Post - Dandie or Dandie Mix Available. This is Bailey. He was rescued from a high volume shelter by Homeward Bound Schnauzer Rescue and is currently in a foster home in Maryland. He is 9-10 years old, neutered, vetted and chipped. He has had one eye removed due to glaucoma. His other eye is fine. He is sweet, gets along well with other dogs and is uncharacteristicly not 'barky' according to his foster home.
Please contact
Dawn Joy at idawnjoy@hotmail.com if interested
Please contact
Dawn Joy at idawnjoy@hotmail.com if interested